19 luglio 2010

Misuriamo il QI del Top Management - Bootstrapping Innovation

Figlia del visionario inventore della tecnologia del computer attuale, dagli applicativi, al monitor, al mouse, alle reti…, Christina Engelbarth sviluppa il progetto degli ultimi decenni del padre Douglas per un quoziente intellettivo collettivo. Un parametro potenzialmente scardinante per valutare il valore di un'impresa. Magari il QI del Top Management: che bello!!! Davvero? In altri paesi, forse. Da noi dovremmo avere il QS, ovvero il Quoziente Spregiudicatezza.  

Patricia Seybold Group - Bootstrapping Innovation

At our Spring 2010 Visionaries meeting, Christina Engelbart, executive director of the Doug Engelbart Institute and heir apparent to the visionary thinking of her father, Doug Engelbart, presented the concepts and action model for bootstrapping innovation. Christina has taken her father's considerable body of work to a whole new level, distilling the conceptual into an accessible, actionable strategy for Bootstrapping Innovation and Collective IQ.

Expanding and leveraging the Collective IQ of your people and putting them in the context of a Dynamic Knowledge Environment and a strategy and structure for increasing innovation empowers them to work together to solve complex problems, make smarter choices, and achieve more brilliant outcomes.

(via Instapaper)

Inviato da iPad di Ennio

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